Strongmind introduces a new and entirely online Trauma Risk Management – TRiM – course.
It is clear that the COVID pandemic means many people cannot host or attend face to face training. At the same time, organisations need Trauma Risk Management training more than ever as mental health issues increase.
So, because of domestic and international demand, we have created training available via distance learning. We believe this is the world’s first online Trauma Risk Management e-Learning course.
As a result, you can now study the renowned TRiM process in your own time. You will have virtual support and assessment by a highly experienced mentor.
Additionally, you benefit from having no travel or accommodation expenses.
Flying high with TRiM virtual training
The course became available in Air Ambulance Awareness Week with offers of free spaces to two services. We are delighted that Devon Air Ambulance Trust will be the first to take up the offer. All of us at Strongmind are proud to support their vital work.
Founder and Strongmind Director Richard Dorney said:
‘Our team has built on years of experience delivering TRiM courses to develop an excellent form of blended learning. This uses video, and live interaction. In addition, a series of online modules provide essential information and links to additional resources.’
What does the new online Trauma Risk Management course teach?
You will learn to:
- Understand the characteristics of traumatic events
- Know how to plan a coherent response to a critical incident
- Be able to conduct risk assessments with colleagues involved in traumatic events
- Appreciate the management issues needed to monitor and support staff
‘Fantastic … a great tool’
Security worker Terry Ferguson** took a pilot TRiM Practitioner course from his workplace in the Middle East. He said:
‘ [The course is] … totally professional and up to date … one to one mentoring was fantastic, and nothing was ever a problem – even the most trivial question I asked was answered in great detail.
‘[It’s a] great tool within organisations … as mental health, PTSD, and stress become more recognised professionally in this unpredictable world.’
Finally, the virtual Trauma Risk Management training course is accredited for Continuing Professional Development.
Note to editors
- Richard Dorney is available for interview. Contact Richard on: [email protected], T: 077402385434