
TRiM distance learning – our first feedback
TRiM distance learning – our first feedback is excellent. If you’re wondering if it’s right for you – read on … We know that our

Tips to maintain morale in business during the COVID pandemic
Tips to maintain morale in business during the Covid pandemic by trauma resilience training expert Richard Dorney Listen to the podcast of Richard’s interview with

Online Trauma Risk Management Training
Strongmind introduces a new and entirely online Trauma Risk Management – TRiM – course. It is clear that the COVID pandemic means many people cannot

Strongmind provides more support to the NHS
During the Covid crisis our team has been busy providing support and training for NHS staff – virtual and in person. Virtual training for

Mental health – protecting the protectors
It’s clear that people at all levels of the NHS and those who support them face significant challenges – not least with potential mental health

Merry Christmas
So here it is! Merry Christmas, everybody’s having fun Merry Christmas everyone. The theory espoused by Slade that ‘everybody’s having fun’ may, unfortunately not be

Trauma Risk Management – TRiM – in Kosovo
Between the 9-12 of January 2019 we deployed two highly experienced Trauma Risk Management -TRiM trainers to Kosovo. Our brief was to provide the Kosovo

Lifetime achievement award – ex-army officer tackles mental health issues for thousands
A former army officer from Andover has won a lifetime achievement award for his work in tackling mental health issues both in the British Army
Tough as old boots
Take some time out for a long read as Director Richard reflects on Mental Health Awareness Week’s theme of body image. ‘Tough as old boots’