TRiM Refresher Training
Duration: 1 Day
Delivery Method: Face to face, Virtual or e-Learning
Course Capacity: 14
Why do we need TRiM refresher training?
Trauma Risk Management courses are intensive and teach a lot of practical skills. Inevitably, some of the knowledge and skills fade with time.
Practitioners need to keep themselves current so they can provide the best support to colleagues who have been involved in traumatic events.
The refresher training is designed to revise practical skills as well as instruct on any new developments.
How often should we revise TRiM skills?
We recommend that qualified TRiM Practitioners and Managers attend refresher training at least annually. This is important if trained practitioners have not delivered TRiM interventions regularly.

Where do we go for refresher training?
As with all of our training, we are happy to deliver at your own location. We can also arrange a venue nearby.
Strongmind also offer an excellent instructor-led virtual refresher course.

How long does it take?
Our refresher training takes a full day and we revise the theoretical elements of TRiM and the practical skills of risk assessment. You’ll take part in scenario- based planning sessions and in role play exercises. At the end of the course we will issue a certificate of attendance so you can update your continuous professional development record.
Our courses are fully accredited by the Continuous Professional Development Standards Office. You may use our course training hours for any CPD requirement from professional bodies.