Open Virtual – Suicide Awareness Workshop
Course Capacity:

Course Overview
Suicide Awareness Course Description
Please note: This course is designed to provide basic suicide awareness and is not an intervention training course.
Most people have been touched by the tragedy of suicide at some time in their lives. These challenging incidents leave us with an overwhelming feeling of loss and helplessness, but how do we spot someone who may be suicidal? If we suspect someone to be at risk, what should we do or say? How can we help?
These are all questions that if unanswered may leave us feeling frustrated, worried, and unable to help. Many organisations regularly encounter people who are struggling with their emotions or have significant mental health problems. Some of these people may be at risk from suicide.
These are all questions that if unanswered may leave us feeling frustrated, worried, and unable to help. Many organisations regularly encounter people who are struggling with their emotions or have significant mental health problems. Some of these people may be at risk from suicide.