Suicide Awareness Workshop
Duration: Half Day
Delivery Method: Virtual
Course Capacity: 16
Suicide Awareness Course Description
Important Note:
This course offers basic suicide awareness and is not designed as an intervention training program.
Suicide touches many lives, leaving behind a profound sense of loss and helplessness. How can we recognize someone who might be suicidal? What actions should we take if we suspect someone is at risk? What should we say or do to help?
Unanswered, these questions can lead to frustration, worry, and a sense of helplessness. Many organizations frequently interact with individuals facing emotional struggles or significant mental health issues. Some of these individuals may be at risk of suicide.
Course Content
- Suicide facts, myths and prevalence
- Why do people take their own lives?
- Risk factors
- At risks groups
- How to assess risk
- How to help, do’s and don’ts
- Support agencies
Course aims
- Understand suicide (population, prevalence, trends, methodology)
- Understand the risk factors for suicide and the behaviours of suicidal people
- Understand poor mental health and its relationship with suicidal ideation
- Understand Risk assessment
- Understand protective factors
- When and how to act
- Safe planning and sources of support
- Some practical skills
Having attended this course, delegates will have improved understanding and confidence around this sensitive subject.
The course is fully accredited by the CPD Standards Office