Open Virtual – Trauma Risk Management (TRiM) Managers Course
Course Capacity:

Course Overview
Where Trauma risk management (TRiM) is implemented in organisations, it is crucial that that there is management backing, coherent policy, and leadership around TRiM interventions. If these elements are missing, the initiative is likely to fail. TRiM managers are the vital glue that brings together TRiM Practitioners, management and other areas of the organisation involved in wellbeing or welfare.
The emphasis of the TRiM Managers course is on planning and supervising responses to traumatic events and developing risk assessment skills to an advanced level. Delegates on this course must already be qualified as TRiM Practitioners.
Learning how to supervise TRiM practitioners, manage their welfare and support is crucial. TRiM Managers learn how to build effective and coherent TRiM teams and how to apply best practice.