Psychological Distress and Building Resilience

Duration: 3hrs

Delivery Method: Virtual

Course Capacity: 16

Psychological Distress and Building Resilience

Psychological distress is associated with poor mental health, especially depression and anxiety. A complex combination of biological and environmental factors can influence people’s mental health, including the stressors and subsequent distress they may experience.  Working in challenging environments can increase the risk of emotional exhaustion and emotional stress which may present as physical, emotional and behavioural stress reactions and responses. These reactions can be particularly pertinent when bearing witness to or processing potentially distressing information  that may contradict our deeply held moral beliefs and expectations.

Prolonged stress and distress can lead to chronic mental and physical illness, often resulting in decreased performance, low morale and ultimately sick absence.  It is vital that we learn how to recognise stress reactions, whether they are as a result of direct or indirect exposure to challenging situations. Moreover, it is equally important to recognise that we can be deeply affected by absorbing others’ pain in times of their distress. This vicarious distress affects our own well-being, potentially leading to a sense of dissatisfaction, helplessness and sometimes hopelessness which may result in “burnout”. Given this we should try to actively address the root cause of these distressing situations and the adverse reactions and responses they might cause.


Strongmind’s Psychological Distress and Building Resilience Course  is designed to enable individuals to cope with the adverse responses and reactions that are sometimes caused by distressing situations.


       Course Aims

  • Understand stress and its impact both in the short and long term.
  • Recognise and understand distress and the indicators for it.
  • Understand vicarious stress, secondary stress, compassion fatigue, burnout, and moral injury.
  • Understand resilience and emotional tolerance and stress management, transgressive v regressive coping stategies.
  • Recognise the importance of self-awareness, self-efficacy, and optimism.

Tailoring the Content 

Since introducing this course, we have tailored content for organisations, at their request. Different organisations manage callers, clients and customers with different issues.  Similarly, some people may respond to working with distressing information in different ways.   This course recognises the universal nature of emotional challenges within the human services field. It offers valuable knowledge and tools that can benefit professionals working in various settings, including social services, mental health, victim support, and community outreach.

Strongmind Resiliency Training, Peer Support, Mental Health, supporting others


On completion of the course learners will receive a course pack, handbook and certificate endorsed by the CPD standards Office. A comprehensive library containing videos and other resources is also included.  You will also receive a link to our brand-new TRiM App, which is being launched in October.

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